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Introduction of Lab Research Atmosphere and Contents of the Ongoing Research!

For a brief overview and outlook of the ongoing and future proposed research themes, please refer to the Laboratory Introduction Slides

under construction

Research of travel time reliability by Probe vehicle data

“Velocity fluctuation by using probe data”
・ Fluctuations of travel time are not desirable
→Stability and reliability analysis (time reliability) is important
・ analysis of temporal and spatial factors that affect speed fluctuations

Research of road network connectivity

“Road network connectivity analysis”
・Earthquake disasters and typhoons frequently occur in Japan
 →Risk of simultaneous road disruptions
・Determining a network with strong connections as a whole to ensure smooth flow of traffic and necessary supplies is very important

(Proposal of road network connectivity evaluation considering simultaneous multiple damages)

Research on Equilibrium Modeling

“Land-use and transportation integration models”
・Forecast, predict and evaluate the impacts of land-use and transport measures on environment and urban systems.

Research on Time Series Analysis

“Regional attractiveness and regional revitalization”
・What is the meaning of “regional attractiveness”? People move to the places which are more attractive (far, costly)
・Prediction of extracting the value of attractiveness from the population distribution data and investigating the attractiveness characteristics.

Research on Intercity Movements and Optimization

“Impacts of periodic fluctuations and events”
・Understanding the effects of periodic fluctuations of the influx population, which is observed throughout (365 days) the year.
・Observing the people influx who were staying outside of Ishikawa prefecture but moved to Kanazawa city.